Friday, November 23, 2012

How My World Grew Up With Me (Journeys, Physical & Psychological)

My world has expanded in increments, a little bit at a time. First, it was not panicking when my mom dropped me off at kindergarten. Then, it was trick-or-treaing all by myself with friends, instead of holding my parents' hands. Eventually, it was going downtown (in my little hometown) alone to be with friends. When I got my license, suddenly it was driving to school, to practice, to rehearsals, to friends' houses by myself, without having to wait around. Soon after that, it was driving out of town. And let me tell you, I thought I was a big deal the first time that happened-- leaving Leadville and driving the 45 minutes to Summit County for movies, shopping, and, to be honest, to say that I could. I still remember the first time I did that trip completely alone. My world got a little bit bigger the first time I drove to Denver alone, too, and that time I could feel it. I remember distinctly the feeling when I passed the point of no return-- where I was definitely going to miss the exit into Summit, the farthest I'd ever gone before. After I moved to college, my world continued to grow as I figured out the light rail, the RTD system, and the area around DU. These were all little steps in comparison. Wednesday morning, I took a big leap. My mom drove me to the airport, where the dawning realization that she would not be coming with me was a little exciting, and a little bit scary. My world grew by enormous proportions in such a short time. Before I knew it I was navigating the Metro in Paris, stopping strangers in the street to ask for directions, and exploring a foreign city, left essentially to my own devices. I have to say, suddenly having your world blow up to that size is a rush. I still haven't come down from that high and it's been two days. Tomorrow, my world will grow a little bit more. And I can't wait.
Check out the flickr stream for today:

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